Sunday, October 24, 2010

Live Life

God is not a man that He would lie neither the son of man that He should repent. Has He said a thing and will He not bring it to pass. This is the assurance that I have in Him that whatsoever I ask of Him, if I believe with no atom of doubt in my mind, He will bring it to pass.

Over the last few days, it’s like I’ve been playing a lot. You know when you have that feeling of not being serious. I had a whole lot of things planned out for this period and all of a sudden it seems as if I put them all on hold to have a nice playtime.

Thinking about this some days ago, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me, “You need to live life, get off the worrying and just live life”. And my response was “I am just playing away my God given time, I’m supposed to be more productive than this”. Excuse me, watching movies all day long in the name of being self employed is not life. And I heard Him say, “That’s part of life”.

And at that point, it dawned on me that in this pilgrimage called life, every moment that passes by that we do not utilize, is a moment lost in time and it cannot be regained. Really, I don’t think that it hurts to sometimes just live life instead of worry through life.

Jesus asked us in Matt 6:27 “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?”

In the face of the trying times, I know that this might seem like a difficult thing to do but please drop the worries and the fears and just LIVE LIFE.